'Which 9/11
Are You?'

Out of
Quiz Ideas
  by Lindsey Quinn
Post Manhattan Reporter
February 22, 2014


Well, it's finally happened.

Now that we've figured out which Disney princess, Sex and the City girl, Joss Whedon heroine, Boss Ass Rap Chick, House of Cards character, Breaking Bad character and Lord of the Rings character we are, BuzzFeed.com has run out of quizzes which we can use to label ourselves on social media sites.

As evidence, I offer exibit A:

Yesterday's quiz, "Which 9/11 Hijacker Are You?"

Really, BuzzFeed?

Sure, some idiot in my newsfeed will post, "I got Mahamed Atta!" but most people know it's in poor taste without being told.

We're not trying to find our inner jihadist.

And last week you posted the quizzes "Which Supreme Court Justice Are You?" and "What Kind of Cancer Are You?"

If this is all you can come up with for quiz ideas, you should just stick to writing blogs and listicles.


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